Hey rose, i remember you mentioning using cortef or florinef for your low blood pressure- did they advise you on how to come off of that?
Did you have trouble with blood pressure upon standing? like when going from sitting to standing did your pressure drop? There are several conditions that go a long with lyme- NHM, POTS or orsthetic blood pressure- did your LLMD ever tell you about any of this?
The reason i ask is b/c i don't want to stay on the florinef long term either- but when i skipped a dose yesterday, today made me really dizzy so my LLMD said to go ahead and take it that my body may not be ready to come off-
Did your LLMD prescribe your med or a cardio doc? There's a test that can be done by a cardio doc called a tilt table test to check for NHM- but i'm nervious to have it done just as i am nervious to have a stress test done and pass out!
I'd love to hear more about your experience - i think you said now you just drink more water with salt?
Thanks a ton!