Hi bucci,
So you have addison's disease. Is it primary or secondary?
I have primary adrenal failure (aka addison disease) this means the problem is in the adrenal glands. Secondary means the problem is in the pituitary that sends a message to the adrenals to make cortisol.
JoAnne gave a great explanantion of "physiological" dose.
Yes prednisolone does not have to be converted through the liver like prednisone does. I am on methylpredisolone (name brand Medrol)...sounds like the same or very similar to what you are on.
I have been on quite a journey to get to this point... I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency in 2008. I was put on hydrocortisone (HC). my adrenals continued to fail until I was told that I now have addison disease, complete adrenal failure. I felt like I was on a roller coaster with the HC, never felt well. My dr. switched me to prednisone, which caused me to gain wt., get puffy face and I still did not feel well...so I was finally put on methylprednisolone (Medrol).
The Medrol keeps me stable for the first time! I feel better on it and I am not having constant low cortisol symptoms and addison crisis'.
My dr. says I will be on steroids for the rest of my life. The amount and/or brand may change, but the steroids keep me alive :-)
I still have the puffy face, but I'm not gaining wt. on the medrol. If you are on a dose that is not too much you shouldn't get the puffy face, although, hypothyroid can also cause puffy face.
If you do have addison (AD)or adrenal insufficiency(AI) then you Need the steroid medication. Much of the literature on lyme states that steroids should not be taken. The theory is that the steroids will suppress your immune system, but this is not true for those with AD or AI. Without cortisol your immune system dose not work correctly...with Too much cortisol your immune system does not work correctly!! So wthout an adequate dose of steroids an AD patient's immune system does not work well.
I'll get back to you in a bit with some links to med info supporting my above argument, but basically if your LLMD is telling you that the steroids are not bad for you they simply do not understand AD.
A few questions...
When were you diagnosed addison? How were you diagnosed?
What dose of prednisolone do you take now? what times?
How do you feel on this dose?
Have you had an addison crisis?
Do you have an injectable form of cortisone for emergencies?
Wishing you Well :-)
Great Expectations
bucci said...
what does that mean "physiological" dose?
I am taking prednisilone really. which is same as prednisone but preconverted so little easier on liver. (I think ??)
is that what you are on?? Did your doc say you will always be on it?
How long you taking it? You got puffy face?? I do but my cheeks were so sucked in before that I look healthier with the puff face . but it not a good sign.
I'm curious what you are taking if it same thing?