I was in my first trimester of pregnancy when I got a growing sore on my arm, with severe headache, body ache and fever to follow. The red mark on my arm kept expanding and ended up being about the size of my hand. I went to the Dr and was tested for Lyme...the test came back negative, but I was put on a very high dose of penicillin for, I believe, ten days. Within two days I felt back to normal, but I finished the round of antibiotics. This was in October of last year.
Now, I've given birth to an apparently healthy baby boy. For his first month, he was pretty miserable. He's had some chiropractic adjustments and seems very happy and content now. On May 19th, I did some strength training, because I've been feeling weak and want to get back in shape after the pregnancy. I strained something in my shoulder, and the chiro said no more weights. Ever since, I've been feeling increasingly weak and achy. Some headaches but mostly muscle and joint fatigue.
Does anyone know if Lyme can come back like this? I'm going to the Dr tomorrow, but not sure what good it will do...Thanks for any input!