In my previous post I explained that my main symtoms are paresthesia, particularly in the head, pain and numbness in the feet and tinnitus. It seems like the paresthesia type stuff is often associated with anxiety as the causative factor, or perhaps M.S. Also heavy metal toxicity is often associated with these symtoms. Further a distinction with those with cognitive symptoms might need to be differentiated from the paresthesiacs It does not seem like there are a lot of folks here with predominatly paresthesia or neurological symptoms.
So beyond the question of categorizing Lyme sufferers I have two other points. One is there seems to be no type of specialists that work with the anxious tingly folks. Even it is determined to be caused mostly by anxiety there seems to be little effort to crossthe bridge of psychiatrist, psychologist, excercise experts as it relates to anxiety,bodyworkers, and supplementation, herbs and diet. Maybe my expectations are off base, but it does not seem like we have specialists who deal with these symtoms and try top help you through the anxiety, M.S, Lymes, and heavy metal maze. Second for those who have a blend of M.S type symtoms and perhaps positive test but are also positive for Lymes, does the Klenner protocol make sense. I imagine some here at leat familiar with Klenner in a variet of areas. But with M.S his protocol was based uniquely on ,I believe, intramuscular injections of B-! and liver extract. There still seem to be those who follow this protocol as an alternative to conventional M.S treatment. The reports claim very high success rates. So the question is does this protocol perhaps make sense for some of us.