BP, my WB came from Quest as well. I think we all know that Quest's test is not sensitive enough, but the most important thing I found in it was that they read/interpret many bands that are NOT significant, and then neglect many bands that ARE significant.
The notes I made on my Quest WB say they neglected bands 14,21,22,25,27 (european), 31( I ** this, so it's probably an important band), 34,35,37,47,50,54,60,77,83,93, and 94 -- on the IgG. In my searching, I found all of those bands to be significant. On the IgM, Quests excludes band 7, which is species specific.
So, in testing bands that have no significance, and neglecting so many bands that ARE significant, HOW can anyone expect this test to be accurate?
My notes also say that IgM converts to IgG in appx 2 months, and shows only about
25% of the time. That lends a little more weight on your reactive IgG 41.
This list does say , '66 cross-reactive for all Borrelia, common in all bacteria', so I don't really know the significance of this.
I was lucky enough to get a positive reaction on band 39 IgG, so 2 LLMDs diagnosed lyme on that basis. My new LLMD said that the opinion of most LLMDs right now is that because this band is so highly specific to lyme, it, alone, indicates lyme. There is no other reason it would show reactive.
Altho, it could possibly have indicated a past infection, considering my babesia numbers are high enough to indicate 'acute' (even tho I'm not nearly dead right now), the fact that I am still symptomatic, and my low CD57, (along w/ WBC and other lab stuff) to him it indicates an active infection.
ON the CD57, I know there are 2 numbers, and one is a %. I do not know what that means. Mine is 3%. There should be a number beneath that, that you would look for. Mine came from labcorps. My LLMD noted that Labcorp is formatted like Igenex and that other labs do not format it the same way. So I don't know where you would find the number you are looking for.
On my test, the Dr also circled WBC, Platelets, Neutrphils, and MCH -- I don't know the significance of all of them, except that they indicate some kind of infection.
Note: your Hashi's, Celiac, Adrenal Insufficiency etc could be caused by Lyme, or Lyme could possibly be another one of the results from something else.
I cannot prove anything, but can honestly state that I never had high blood pressure or high cholesterol (which were tested at least 4 X per year while I was giving blood at work) until that tick bite. Nor did I ever have low thyroid or adrenal problems. Those are measurable items, in addition, of course to other symptoms.