You said that you passed what looked like parasites within about a week. Not trying to be gross, but would like to know what you meant? What did it look like? Was it in #1 or #2?
I'm asking, because I have read similar things and so am wondering if these are additional parasites given to us by ticks?
I was going to try a total cleanse this weekend (grapefruit & apple juice, epsom salt, and virgin olive oil) because my stomach is swollen and I tend towards constipation. Too many things came up and I knew I would not be close to a bathroom. Gotta go to work for 2 days, then a trip to see my parents. So I'm just starting up something mild -- organic apple juice w/ a little olive oil --to see if I can at least get more movement in there w/o totally clearing out. I megadose C already.
If we were to pass parasites, I'd like to know what to look for. Because if I saw anything, I would definitely call my LLMD!
Caldonia? Anybody?