rasputin26: I am not a Dr and cannot dispense medical advice. HOwever, I can tell you a bit of the things that I do know.
Approved by the FDA does not make a drug or vaccine safe. We have this idea in our heads that studies including thousands of people have concluded that the drug or vaccine is effective and safe. Not so.
It is a fact that current flu shots have not been proven to be safe and/or effective. They couldn't be, because they were not even used or tested on the generation before us --- ie; long term testing effects.
I think the most important info that I've come across regarding vaccines (flu shots, as well as including standard vaccines for chicken pox, measles, etc) is that, to date, there have been NO studies on how these immunizations --- even the most basic --- have affected our immune systems.
And there has been NO follow up on how ANY of these vaccines affect or will affect our immune systems when something new comes around.
Example: A swine flu shot last year MAY affect your body's immune system, rendering you more suseptible to various flus next year, and so on.
I would never dare to advise a person not to take the flu shots. But I will tell you that I will never take one. There are just too many unknowns.
And I am not sure at all that these vaccines have EVER been tested on people w/ immune disorders like Lyme.