Hi Homer80!!
First of all I would like to apologize that no one has answered you yet, including me. I only just saw your post & it is taking me a while to gather my info as I have a Lymie headache that is slowly getting worse. UGH
I would also like to welcome you to our forum!!!
I am really sorry to hear of your health issues, no matter what they are from!!
I rely on Dr Joseph Burrascano, Jr.'s paper "Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease" for a lot of my info. He is a very well respected LLMD, even by other LLMD's!! You can read what one of the other LD specialists has to say & download the paper for yourself, so that you will have it to refer to as well -
very useful!!!
www.personalconsult.com/articles/moldandbiotoxins/advancedburrascano.htmlNot knowing all of your health issues and not being a medical professional, I sure couldn't tell you if you made any wrong choices, although I think it probably would have been better had you had the antibiotics.
It is unfortunate that there is so much mis-information out there about
tick-borne infections. I have been on the receiving end of Lyme Disease by a tick that was only attached for only a couple of hours at most (verified by a Western Blot blood test) , earlier this year. That also explains why I would have chosen to take the abx!!
For someone in your situation I would heavily suggest first finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (referred to as a LLMD) who could diagnose you clinically, which is truly how this set of infections are supposed to be diagnosed, as can be seen on the CDC website for Lyme Disease;
www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/lyme/ld_humandisease_diagnosis.htmThe blood tests that are widely available are not accurate once the infection(s) have traveled out of the blood stream & into the other tissues in the body (a chronic infection at that time). It took me a full year on abx before I tested positive for Lyme. Although I have no intension of 'scaring' you, but these tick-borne infections can go chronic in 2 weeks.
I would also suggest that you get that prescript
ion filled and get started on it right away - believe me you
can not be too careful here! You can start using probiotics to help replentish your intestines with the good bacteria, as well as eating a good healthy diet.
As for the rash, it is estimated that only somewhere between 40 - 60 % of Lyme Disease patients ever have a the Bull's eye rash. There are plenty of other types of rashes that Lyme can cause as well.
I am sure that I have left out quite a bit of info out, but as I said - I do have a headache & need to get off-line for the night. Please feel free to post any other questions you may have. We are here to help answer them!!!
May you find peace along your journey to health,