I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling totally back to yourself, but it's godd that you have improved... Are you still receiving treatment?
My symptoms were never in my joints though... It was muscle/neurological type stuff... with a bunch of other crap. Just yesterday I started trying to get together what I know for sure about my 'illness' and I'm still lost. I ignored my symptoms and listed what I know is going on without a doubt, and I'm still very lost!
I have Raynaud's- pretty severe
I am very vitamin D deficient
The first time this happened I had a low WBC count
Everytime I have an episode, my platelet count drops (but I have a hereditary platelet disorder anyhow, so it might just be the stress of the illness making that worse)
I lost all reflexes... I gained back a weak reflex in my right elbow
I have blood in my urine (supposed to see a urologist soon)
I am on the VERY bottom of normal with calcium/potassium/sodium
I can't gain weight (I'm about 102)
I get mild, but insanely itchy rashes on my back and ribs
These are all of the things I can prove. There is much more, but these are things I can point at and prove are real.
It is very scary, Tala, to not know what the heck is wrong with you. It's wonderful that you have improved. Does it seem to be continuing in that direction for you?