Hi my husband has been fighting something since 2007 and has been to 4 rheumys including Mayo clinic, infectious disease dr, endroconologist, neurologist, 2 lyme Dr's one being at Envita. There protocol is very intense and not sure if this is the correct choice for him. Was hoping others have been treated there and hoping to find out how it worked for them and if you recall the protocol they used for you? Or if anyone has any advice on what treatment did work for them that would be great.
He has to many symptoms to list so I will list the ones that bother him the most:
Tingling (entire body at times)
Joint Pain (hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, feet)
Joint burning (feels like someone is dropping acid in his joints)
Major fatigue
rib pain
muscle twitching
stiff neck
eye problems
gets chills on and off
heat sensativity
when he gets hot his entire back gets a rash on it, sometimes he gets red rash on each side of his nose
Does anyone else with Lyme have these symptoms?
His labwork results:
IGeneX IgM - positive
23-25 ++
31 ++
39 IND
41 +
83-93 +
IGeneX IgG - negative
31 IND
41 +
58 +
66 +
The only Dr. that says the western blot is positive is the 2 lyme dr's, have spoken with infectious disease doc and he says it is negative. And according to what I have read and what the Lyme docs said unless the dr is knowladgable in Lyme they will say you do not have Lyme. This is so hard for Lyme patients and it is hard to make an educated decision when eveything you hear or read is contradicting....please help!!
HNK1 (CD57)+
54 Low range 60-360
Genova Diagnostics
HHV6, IgG 1:320 positive range <==1:20
EBV Nuclear Antigen, EBNA IgG (serum) 4.82 positive range <==0.90
EBV, Nuclear Antigen, EBNA IgM (Serum) 1.18 positve range <==0.90
EBV Early Antigen-Diffuse, EBEA-D IgG (serum) 3.38 positive range <==0.90
EBV Viral Capsid Antigen, VCA IgG (serum) 7.21 positive range <==0.90
EBV , VCA IgM (serum) 0.18 negative range <==0.90
CMV, IgG (serum) 5.80 positive range <==0.90
CMV, IgM (serum) 0.86 negative range <==0.90
We are not sure if any of this other than the western blot points to Lyme, so any input anyone has would be greatly appreciated!!
My husband has had the million dollar work up as I am sure many of you have had as well. The only other thing that has come back positive on his testing is a POSITIVE ds/DNA.....I know this is marker for Lupus, however it does not mean you have Lupus. We are going to another Rheumy in Dec to rule this out as the other 4 Rheumys have not said Lupus. He has been diagnosed with Fibro however and we do not believe it is fibro, think they did it cause they do not know what it is.
Also have a question about diet with Lyme Envita wants him to remove all dairy, sugar, eat only organic meats, eggs etc not sure what the purpose of this is??
Thanks for any help/advice you can give.