I believe you
have been clinically diagnosed - that's diagnosis upon clinical findings - symptoms & history of exposure- I think you might have meant that you have not tested positive with a blood test - yet. I went for years without being able to test positive by blood tests.
Even the CDC, on their website states that diagnosis of LD has to be a clinical one. Check it out here; Superfob!
Welcome to our forum!! I
'm really sorry to hear of the issues you have been trying to live with, but you've found a great place to find understanding, compassion, and good information!!!
I really don't believe that just because a person isn't bed-ridden or house-bound doesn't mean that they have a "milder form" or aren't as sick. The longer the infections go untreated, the deeper the infection and so more symptoms are experienced.
I had RMSF (the spot-less kind) when I was only 5 years old - who knows what other tick-borne diseases I contracted back then. My health always has been "behind the eight ball", but not disabling.
Lyme Disease can lay dormant in a person for decades, until some stressful event happens in a person's life then it takes advantage of that.
Some infections move more slowly for some people, but it doesn't make it any less serious.
I would be very surprised with what you have shared with us, if you
don't have a tick-borne infection!
I would heavily suggest that you see a LLMD! They are the only ones who understand enough of this disease to actually be able to benefit you!
They know what things to tests. Many "Lymies" are deficient in Vit. B12. Frequently B12 injections are needed. For me, my body just doesn't want to absorb B12.
If you are really concerned about
taking abx - there are Acupuncture Docs & Homeopathic docs that are Lyme-literate as well. I'm seeing an Acu Doc, as are a few others here & I know that there are some here that use homeopathic remedies - Razzle is just
full of information when it comes to Homeo remedies!!
We try to be really careful here about
not actually saying the LLMD's names as they have recently been persecuted & have actually been shut down in some cases & we would like to protect them.
With that being said, I've read some about
the male LLMD's treatment in the book "Insights into Lyme Disease Treatment; 13 Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies" and found it to be quite interesting - in a good way!
not seeing a rash - only 40 - 60% of those infected with Lyme will ever see a rash. When a person does see that rash, no more testing - of any kind - is necessary, as Lyme Disease is the only known disease that produces such a rash.
Not everyone experience
all of the symptoms. Believe me - be very happy you don't have those "Lyme headaches"!!!
I do hope this helps some. I would also like to suggest that you read the thread at the top of the forum titled "New to Lyme? Start here!" - if you haven't already.
Edited to add:
Holy Smokes!!
That got long in a hurry!! UGH!