I too had bloodwork consisten with lupus, 320 titer, homogenous pattern, doc wanted to give me prednisone, I refused to take it....my antiproteinase is high, sjogrens antibodies, of course suffered with candida,
sed rate is ok, lots of other tests ok...now the IgM Band 23, which I am hearing is the hardest to kill?? Also been told Doxy doesnt work???
Just had a large series of lyme tests run, won't be back for a couple of weeks. But here are my symptoms:
My first symptoms were anxiety for no reason, night sweats, tingling/numbness in left arm/hand,
then my muscles started to hurt, mainly in the legs, like cramping, would come and go sparatically,
headaches in back of head, tingling along sides and bottom of face
I had terrible GERD/acid reflux, which has gone away.
Current symptoms are:
pain in the ears, inside and out, (really hurts!) pain/burning sensation on top of head on my scalp....
stiffness/pain/aches in hands, random fingers, wrists & elbows
burning sensation/pain in bottom of feet, randon pain in toes, top of feet, ankles, knee pain/burning
twitching of muscles, randomly, all over (not in face)
Had racing heartbeat 3 times, when I first started the herbs, one month ago but hasnt been back since....
costochronditis (swelling in chest, between breastbone) hurts sometimes, heart & lungs check out fine
poor concentration, forgetting words
My Doc will give me more Diflucan, will milk thistle help with my liver?
Thanks for helping me, I so appreciate it!! :)