Hey guys so Im seeing this guy Dr Irwin Ingwer in Plainfield NY this week and I am desperate to hear any reviews or anything anyone has heard about him. A friend of my moms sees him and says he really helped him feel better. I have been sick for 9 years and have been called a very difficcult case to treat and a tough nut to crack so I hopw he will offer me something helpful. I have soo so many docs and am so tired of vomiting up my medical history so I am kind of dreading it. Its just hard because I have developed bad IBS from all the years of ABX and my current doc and my stomach guy agree that there cou;d be lyme bacteria attacking my gut. So b/c of that I cant take ABX right now so I hope this new guy has some herbal things or s/t. My current doc is in Mt Kisko and I love him but Im turning 22 this week so ive been with him 2 yrs and my mom is pushing me to just talk to someone else. And I wanted to check here first because doesnt it suck when you finally find a doc who claims to be a lyme doc or and infectious disease doc and they dont believe in chronic lyme or they tell you you couldnt possibly have it but they offer nothing else as to what it could be? That or they tell you your depressed or have fibro myalgia right? Im nervous so any input on this guy would be SO appreciated! thanks