Hi there,
I know Lyme can affect hormones/periods, but I seem to be suffering lots with this. I originally noticed my moods were all wrong about a year ago, and thought maybe it was the contraceptive pill I was on. I came off this, and my periods have been very irregular since then. Hormone and PCOS tests showed nothing unusual, but I have also noticed a few more dark hairs on my chin. My periods seem to be pretty random, between 1-2 months apart. I tend to get PMT-like symptoms when my period should be due, then nothing happens. These then come and go on and off for anything from a week to a month before my period actually starts, and also coincides with more pain in my shoulder and arms.
I intially thought my antibiotics were helping, but I am now a month overdue again (not pregnant). Does this sound like Lymes, or something entirely unrelated?