Hi all:
Being a very ANALytical person, I have been trying to see how symptoms come-and-go and how they might correspond to meds, supps, diet, exercise and all other kinds of things! For instance, with me, I had the following days this week (I use a subjective % of feeling well for both physical and mental functionality):
MON: 80% physical, 65% mental
TUES: 90% P, 70% M
WEDS: 90% P, 45% M
TODAY: 95% P, 75% M
80-100% on either is what I would consider "normal" feeling due to just everyday life - below that there is some level of extra impairment. Note, that yesterday was a challenging day with my neuro symptoms. Also, note that my physical symptoms are pretty much very manageable where the neuro is much more erratic and sometimes very troublesome. This has been typical of my lifetime experience with Lyme when I have had my "episodes".
I imagine my physical score is always high due to my diet and exercise regimen. However the neuro symptoms are somewhat of a mystery and that's what I am trying to get a handle on. Maybe, by being physically fit, I am driven the disease into hiding into my CNS? Or maybe, the physical fitness only addresses the physical symptoms and I need to do other things to help with the neuro stuff (better detox, treatment of the disease itself, etc.)? I imagine it might be the latter.
Back to yesterday - I was really distressed with light-headed, dizzy, memory and spaced-out feeling. This began from the time I awoke around 6:00 am and lasted until about 7:45 pm last evening. At that time, my head began to clear and I am feeling pretty daggone good today! Here's what I think MAY have contributed to my "down" day:
DIET - I only ate a very little yesterday until I had a nice salmon/brussel sprouts dinner at abt 6:30p. One theory is that I somehow unbalanced my system by not eating correctly - it might be significant that my symptoms cleared within an hour of having a good, wholesome meal.
DETOX/HERX - I worked out hard yesterday at noon and it was my 7th day into my abx regimen. I do not think the workout caused the symptoms as I had them earlier in the day anyway - in fact, I felt better immediately following the workout only to fall back into the symptoms about an hour later. However, I may have just been herxing due to systematic effect of the abx actions.
WEATHER - I'd love feedback on this one! Yesterday was very hot and humid with an unsettled atmosphere that ended the day with a front moving throughand storms. The storms cleared out abt 7:00p last evening and today is a beautiful sunny and low humidity day! Coincidence that this corresponded to my symptom relief?
Or maybe, all these are just coincidences and the symptoms rise-and-fall are simply random in nature. Thoughts anyone?