I go to my second appt with my LLMD on Tuesday and since the Igenex results were faxed to him as I was leaving , he didn't have time to explain them to me on first visit.
I do have a copy of the reults from the Igenex report and I have been researching what the bands mean and the intensity but I am not sure what intensity means. I was hoping to have some knowledge before I go back to him so as not to take so much time on it. That visit is also to let me know results of brain mri and co infections and I am hoping he puts me on something more than Doxy.
My Igenex results were: ( Not sure it matters but I was on Amox for 10 days when I took test)
IFA, BB G/M/A = Negative (I have no idea what that test even was)
Igm - 39-IND, and 41++ = Negative
Igg - 31+, 34-IND, 41++ and 45+ = Positive
This seemed odd to me as I know I was bitten April 7th of this year (with the bullseye) and the test was taken end of June.
It doesn't seem to be alot of bands so does that mean it already is in cyst form and didn't show up? The first ELISA test was .23 also negative.
Is there anything I could know ahead of time?