My heart breaks for you, Hope here! I have lost many friends - some made it for a much longer time period than others - but they just can't understand what we are living with! The constant pain and the brain fog and whatever symptoms you are having - people just can't believe that we feel so bad so much of the time! They really cannot wrap their minds around it!
This is a disease that most of those who suffer with it can't even understand the what's, why's and 'when will I feel decent enough to...' , so we really shouldn't expect others to understand much either. Heck!! Even the LLMD's have trouble understanding all of the aspects of these infections! And they study them!!!!
Losing those that you thought would be there is an incredibly painful thing. I know this doesn't help much right this minute, but those who really do stick by you are you're real friends. Be sure to remember them when others chose to just move on.
Please remember something about
those who do move on - they just don't get it is all. Chronic illnesses break up families, and even marriages and damage even more relationships. I believe that those who are not ill just have to move on - otherwise they will get "pulled down" into the "muck and mire" of living with chronic illnesses, and as you know it's no fun there!
They also have no way of understanding the restrictions we have on being able to go out and get together with others - again - how can they? They have most likely never been as tired as we can get or be in as much pain as we can be in sometimes.
Here is a link to "The Spoon Theory". It was written by a college gal who has Lupus, but really describes one way of dealing with our low energy levels. Maybe it will be useful for you to show this to others in your life? Hang in there! During your treatment you will be feeling better and better and will then be able to get out and make friends again, or maybe rekindle old ones!
I'm sure as other members see this, they too will chime in and help to cheer you! We are friends here! Hopefully we can make you feel surrounded by friends!
big (((((hugs)))))