My dear fellow sufferers of this curse of Lyme. You all know how long and tragic my story is because you all are living it too. I live in Texas and haven't had an LLMD since the only doctor we had in North Texas (he was in Denton, I could probably say his name now but no point) was shut down.
A friend steered me to a new doctor who felt that plaquenil was all I needed because I had been ill so long, he said Lyme turns into the L form and a nuclear bomb can't kill it. But I did not improve, in fact my legs became weaker and my balance was so bad that I avoided getting up and down and walking as much as possible.
I lost my job last September, 2010, and my 21 year marriage had become as miserable as I was.
I don't want to go on and on, so suffice it to say I had a nervous breakdown. Just started crying and couldn't after day after day.
Went to a psychiatrist for help. He started on my mental status, had me eliminate dairy from my diet, then on 9/27/2011 he started treating me for Lyme. He and I have a history since I saw him before back in 2008, and he has become aware that there is a connection between chronic Lyme and depression.
Minocycline 100 mg am/pm and Interfase Plus by Klaire Labs, 2 twice a day.
I got the meds in the afternoon and took my first dose of each before I went to bed. At 3:00 am woke up and could not make it to the bathroom. It was pretty horrible.
I became so tired and so whipped I was ready to give up, crawl in the bed, and good luck to anybody who could get me out of it.
BUT, I'm getting better. It has been a slow realization, and I am scared to believe it, but I am getting a lot better real quick. What is different this time?
I have been on Minocycline before, so I have to day the elimination of dairy and the Interfase Plus.
Good luck to all. No one group needs some luck more than we do.