Jess - the mercury SCARES me. I think it was a contributor to my latest Lyme flare. I broke a tooth with a filling in it last March/April and it exposed an entire mercury filling. Well, again not knowing about
Lyme and such back then, I didn't get anything done about
it. It was in the back of my mouth and not visible so no big hurry - I was very busy at work and other activities - so decided to wait. Not long afterwards, my symptoms began to appear. So, I don't think it's a coincidence. I got diagnosed with Lyme in early June and that 's when I began to read up on all this stuff.
The exposed mercury filling was RIGHT NEXT TO a gold crown so it was causing a current in my mouth (two different metals conducting through the saliva - laymans term for an electrical circuit). This was causing a huge amount of mercury to leach into my body. I got the tooth fixed, finally, on Aug 4th. That evenining I had like a mini-seizure of sorts. Crazy, I tell you. Well, at the time, I had two more exposed fillings left in my mouth and I got them out in mid-September - since they were in my lower wisdoms, I just had them pulled. I wanted to do a chelation but most accounts say don't do that with Hg still in your mouth. And, though all the visible stuff was gone, I have 8 crowns that MAY have Hg under them - there is no way to tell without removing the crowns. That is expensive and my doctor did not want to risk more Hg poisoning than I already had! So I left it alone and still have to this day.
That said, I think it gets chelated out of your system slowly with the regular Lyme detox. For instance, my protein and greens drinks I make everyday have ALA and chlorella in them, both are known Hg chelators. Plus, one of the very best ways to rid your body of mercury is through the SKIN - by sweating it out. The FIR sauna is highly recommended for it and so I have done a good amount of it. Plus, I run - fast and hard and sweat a TON so I am sure I am sloughing off mercury in that manner as well. There's a book out there on how they used this technique (the FIR sauna) to help 911 victims who had breathed in all that toxic dust (which was high in mercury and other heavy metals).
At some point - way down the road, I feel I must somehow address the Hg that may still be in my mouth under those crowns but I have to get totally back on an even keel before I do that - then maybe try the Andrew Cutler protocol to make sure all the Hg is gone from my system. Besides the bioenergetic tests, I had a BLOOD test done back in August and my Hg level was 18.4. 0.0-14.9 is supposed to be "acceptable" but my doctor says, and I agree, that 0.0 is the only thing "acceptable." My doctor said that I had the (dubious) honor of being the most mercury poisioned person she had seen (again, probably due to the Lyme clogging up my detox paths). Uggh!!! I had another blood test done on 11/28 and the Hg levels were 3.3 - in the 'acceptable' range but not zero where I want it. But, it was kinda good news in that the Hg was flowing in my blood (it often will not show in a blood test as the body stores it away somewhere - the CNS is one major storage area). With the serum level still showing, that's probably an indication that my body is moving it around and, eventually, out of my system. Balance is key - to be able to move it out but not too fast. It will move from the CNS to the organs and then out as you least that's the theory. I also have started little doses of Zeolite to help with the Hg detox (and neurotoxins).
Post Edited (yazzer) : 1/24/2012 10:21:51 AM (GMT-7)