Yesterday was a pretty rough day, like crying from pain (even though I rarely ever cry - even when I try!) - plus I was pretty on edge emotionally.
Today, I woke up (very late) feeling pretty much the same as always, exhausted, off balance, sore, etc. It's probably been about a year since I've been able to run - just last month I tried to sprint the last block of my daily walk with my dogs and nearly passed out. But like I said, I've been very on edge, and running has always been my way of dealing with that, so I decided that even if I can only run 5 seconds, today's the day I'm going to start again.
...ONE MILE LATER I wasn't even tired! A little out of breath, but I felt like I could go on forever! I stopped after a mile and a half, since I know it doesn't really hit me until well afterwards, but I felt so good that I did yoga right afterwards, and I STILL feel great!
It's been a really rough couple of months, with literally NO good days. But out of the blue, I feel A LOT like my former self. I know some of you are in the same boat I've been in, feeling continually worse without the good days to make it feel worthwhile, so I hope this brings you all a little bit of hope! I've been so worried that I'll never feel like "me" again, but it really does come back much quicker than you think it will!