After the first 3 months of treatment targeting lymes (which did very well), my LLMD switched treatment to agressively attack the Bartonella with Rifamkin and doxy and then added clarithromycin. A week being on this and I feel horrible.
Could it actually be working -- and it gets worse before it gets better?
Mainly my muscles are sore all over, jaw sore, burning tingling feet/fingers,poor sleep
I got really sick off the clarithromycin so LLMD told me to back off and take smaller doses to ease back in.
I am doing so much detoxing, trying to take care and lay low.
I guess,,, I was feeling so much better with some lingering symptoms and on this new regime went backwards.
Could this be working? Anyone experience this treatment and Bart? Any tips on relief.
Apparently Bart is a tough one to treat but LLMD agressive treatment seems the way to go
Advice? thanks so much