Let me begin by saying I can't afford to go to a LLMD. I have insurance by no one takes it. Frustrating.
It's been 4 years of trying to find what was wrong with me. I do not know when I was bite. Never found a tick or bullseye rash. I do live in NY, more of a country setting, and grew up playing and working outside.
It is just about a year since I tested positive for Lyme. I have been treated with abx all but 2 months of that time.
I went off abx for about 2 weeks around Christmas only to have everything return again.
I was just tested again and it's still positive and also tested positive for co-infection, this is the first time co-infectiion showed.
Have had ringing in my ears for all of this time and it's not any better maybe even worse.
I work as a cook. I do alot of lifting, pot of food, cases of food, etc. I have had this job for almost 6 months and my muscles thru my mid rib cage, back and front, hurt no matter what.
Does Lyme effect muscles?
My neck is bothering me more now then ever, stiff. Head aches are always there.
My eating habits are not the worse. I eat pretty healthy. Drink lots of water. Take detox baths, not every day, about 4 or 5 times per weeks.
My mind is clearer, I don't have to write everything down any more.
I do have some twitching, usually when I get done work and am relaxed. When I can relax. I tend to have tense muscles and have to really work at relaxing.
One last thing, I've been feeling kind of woosey lately. When I turn quick, look up from reading, stuff like that.
Have any of you had anything like this? I'm just so tired of feeling all of this and get so over whelmed.
Any thoughts please share.
Thank you for all the help over this past few years and there have been lots.