Hi everyone. I just joined this community and I wanted to say hi. :) Hi
I just recently, yesterday, reconnected with one of my best friends from my high schoool years after about 5 years. It turns out he has Lyme Disease which went undiagnosed for at least 10 years he says. The few things I am reading so far have me very afraid for him and I want to read more and have better knowledge about what my friend is going through and will go through. I see him having a hard time speaking sometimes like his tongue won't cooperate. Slowed movement. He seemed to be in almost constant pain because he would frequently close his eyes and seemingly take a moment to center himself to come back to the moment. I am very worried that this is only the tip of the iceberg. This guy is in many ways more of a brother to me than my own brothers and I would like to help him in any way that i can, only I don't know yet if there is anything that anyone can do let alone anything that I can do. It's my fault that i don't have much time today to do much more browsing, I wonder if there's a link anyone can shoot me for info on what he is going through. The little reading I have been able to do indicates to me there are 3 stages(?) or types(?) of lyme disease depending on when you are diagnosed. He is clearly in the most severe category #3. I'm at work right now and as I'm typing this I am crying for my friend and I feel HORRIBLE for missing the last few years and any sort of small comfort or support I could and should have been there to provide. Stupid life. What do I do? What can I do? Is it as bad as I fear it is? Will Lyme Disease shorten his life span? It isn't curable? Can he ever get back to "normal" or close to it?
anything at all is GREATLY appreciated.