So I've been on Biaxin, Ceftin, Amanadine(3wks of months), then flagyl and amandaine 1wk each month, my doctor said he could try me on minocycline + augmentin +amandine, still cycled with the flagyl. However he also said he does not think this is going to make much of a difference. And that it's up to me if I want to switch? I've been on the same meds for about
8 months, still having very harsh and more frequent flare ups, lasting weeks and months at a time. I'm also on iv rocephin.
So the question is I'd be going from Biaxin ( macrolid), ceftin(cephalosporin) to a Penicillin (augmentin) and a tetracyline (mino) anyone been on a similar combo and which did one work better than the other. I'd be switching different classes of meds so I'm thinking maybe they will work a little different for me.
Another concern I have is Biaxin is supposed to be one of the best for lyme, so if I go off it will it still have any effect if I go back on?