Hi ShabbyChic,
When I realized that abx were not working for me (I didn't take them for a long time, because I was expecting to feel a difference: like feeling better!). Because I didn't feel better I looked into alternative medicine and in the beginning it was sooooo confusing! At that time I belonged to a different forum and many members kept talking about Dr. Jernigan's book and how impressed they were.
Soooooo, I bought his book and then I went in search for a holistic practitioner who was familiar with Dr. Jernigan but couldn't find one. I then decided to follow his book as Dr. J. has a healing at home protocol. The rest is history as I became symptom free in about 1 year after following his protocol (no abx), just botanicals and lots of detoxing.
That's what worked for me. Oh, before I used his protocol I did try colloidial silver first as well as nutramedix samento (both didn't do anything for me).
Everyone is different, what works for one doesn't work for another. I also bought the book by Stephen Buhner "Healing Lyme" just to gain more knowledge about lyme and alternative medicine.
I really believe that the more knowledge a person has, the better they are.
Jwjjtt, yes, Dr. Jernigan does have a clinic in Wichita, Kansas but I didn't go but I think I would have if his "healing at home" protocol didn't work for me.
Hope this helps!