Hi Nan and welcome!
Yes, I would love to hear updates! That's so great that you read Dr. Jernigan's book so you know ahead of time what his views are on chronic illnesses and how he treats. I never went to the Hansa Center (Dr. J's clinic) but I would have gone if I didn't get well using his "Healing at Home" protocol. Actually one day I would really like to meet Dr. J. in real life! I think he's brilliant!
You brought up ammonia in the body and I can not stress enough how many people overlook that or simply don't know about it. Ammonia in my body and brain caused me many problems but thank goodness I took one of Dr. J's botanicals to bind up the ammonia so my body could get rid of it.
I have a gut feeling that you are going to do great there! I'm really excited for you!
TickledPink, yes, all that gunk does come out of the pores in our feet. Crazy me once did an experiment: I sprinkled some table salt in a small area in my kitchen and with bare feet walked back and forth on it just to test the pores in my feet.
I was shocked that I actually tasted salt in my mouth. Yuck! I was amazed that walking on salt for a short time went directly into my mouth and who knows where else? I was one salty person for a while... Good thing my blood pressure is on the low side! Duh! So what goes in must also come out, right?
I believe that each foot has an average of 3000 pores in each sole of one's foot.
From this site (#15):
There are approximately 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet, and they excrete as much as half a pint of moisture each day.
Anyway, good luck Nan!