im newly diagnosed, well, within the year. i tryed cowden protocol, but still dont feel well. my back hurts all the time. we started HBOT with my son who has CP as a result of prematurity. i actually have mor energy and hear now that HBOT can help with lyme.
ive had 2 stllbirths and an emergency c-section to save my 26 weeker who was going down quickly. hes my son with CP. could lyme be causing all my losses and stillbirths? i wish i knew. now i have a swolen lymph node on the right side on my neck which wont go away. and a little tiny bump on the left side of my throat, back of my tounge. i can pop it and it goes away and comes back. eternal stuffy nose.
in only 33 and i just feel like in 100. im worried about hodgkins disease, but since i know i have lyme, it seems that that would be a better answer. i was totally fine intill i was 29, not im a mess.
what can i do? i really want to have a baby, but i think the lyme is the reason for my unexplained stillbirths. they seemed fine, but just died in utero in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. my little boy was fine untill 26 weeks, he would have died too if i had not gone directly to ER for lack of movement.
can lyme be cured? will this kill me?