Hi opugirl, welcome to the forum! I'm sorry you have to go through all of this - of course life would be so much easier if we could trust that our doctors are always giving us the right information about
our own health!
It is definitely possible that you're dealing with lyme disease - so many people have that hunch early on but end up following different and unneccessary paths because they're told that a negative test is the absolute!
I'd suggest taking a look at the new to lyme thread - there's a lot of great information there to help you out in the meantime, including information about
detoxing, which is essential for healing from lyme disease! Also, please make sure your email address is available through the profile section so members can send you personal recommendations of LLMDs. Also keep in mind that if you have trouble locating one, a lot of alternative practitioners may be able to help with some of your health issues in the meantime, as many of them, I'd venture to say more than mainstream doctors, are better versed in lyme and co-infections.
For information on finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor(LLMD) in your area, please email our long time member, Dan's Mother at:
[email protected] If you'd like more doctor suggestions, you can email stephanie at:
[email protected] You can also go to:
www.turnthecorner.org/bod.htm if you want to learn a little bit more about
Lyme Disease.
You can also go to The Lyme Disease Association and search for LLMD's 3 times in a month. You have to register first. Here is the link:
www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=277&Itemid=74You will want to find an ILADS (International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society) doctor. The ILADS site is a great place to read to get you started on your Lyme journey.