Seriously, why do so many people dont believe you when you say you have lyme disease, or dont believe your symtoms are from lyme?
When I first got sick, had no clue what I had that was causing all of my obscure symtoms.
(My internal body temp was off, I felt so hot, and the only thing that helped was taking cold/ warm showers,all day for awhile. I took so many of them
that my water bill skyrocketed!
Any one would see by the bars of water percentage used, before and then during, that something is truly wrong.
why all the sudden a drastic change?)
I was so ill, I could not take care of myself so I had my 'egg donor' help me pay my bills, take care of that stuff.
Well she still had one bill delieved to her house, and of course, :), the water bill.
and so she made a remark the other day, of the bill is fine, unless i start taking showers all day again.
What, I did not need that dig, remakr.
She is so mean and she is in Medical field. err. She is nice to the rest of the world. She has no idea what I went
through, now different symtoms, I am going through hell. I dont
understand why she is so mean about this.
If I had a brain tumor show up on a mri, than she may understand
proof that there is something there making things in my body go hay wire
I just sincerely dont understand why people can be so cold , and not believing you when you say u have lyme disease.
I was even talking to someone on the phone, who was so wrapped in themselves
I said I have lyme and I am very sick, I am having trouble seeing and talking, she says oh that is bad! and continues on her conversaton about her self,
so I wont be talking to her anytime soon, lol :)
I just dont get it...