Thank you so much for the very valuable information. I'll see into the colonics. I do know that even though c. diff. causes bad diarrhea, enemas often help, since they flush things out.
Does the probiotic retention enema give you sort of a herx? It did me, and I didn't repeat it, but I might start doing it again.
I've always heard that nuts cause digestive upset, so how were you able to eat almond butter? I do eat peanut butter, but if the amounts of p.b. are too large, it (the p.b.) causes a c. diff. flare. Also, fatty foods upset my stomach, so I'm not sure how you ate bacon. In restaurants, I usually use a napkin to absorb the fat off of, say, hamburgers.
Epsom salt sounds a little harsh. I know people consume it as a laxative, but wouldn't a harsh laxative be harmful (possibly)? As far as fiber, psyllium is completely out for me, but I tried Acacia (Heather's Tummy Fiber) and it caused flares as well.
My dog was recently dxed with Lyme Disease by the local vet., and after having had bronchitis and an allergic reaction (all treated with steroids), I think she may have contracted c. diff. from me.
So I have to use my protocol with hers, and I have to find out which herbs she can and can't take, bc. she's having problems with her liver right now. She's on Doxy. at the moment. Of course, neither of us is going to be completely well until both of us are treated, bc we'll keep transferring it back and forth.
Does the c. diff. affect your brain? I'm not sure if it's the c. diff. abx., or the c. diff. itself, but something is making me feel depressed and disoriented, more so than with Lyme. And now my dog seems to be depressed and disoriented as well. Holy Cow!!
Now that you've been so kind as to give me your c. diff. protocol, I can't remember if you gave me your complete Lyme protocol or not. I'll go back and look through the thread. Otherwise, I would love to know that as well.
I'm going to use my "less-traveled" email as a link in my profile if you want to email me (but obv., that's up to you).
Thanks again, Margaret