Hi everyone, I was having a pretty good day until HR called me. Yes they granted me a 1/2 day every week for the next three months so I can handle doctors appts, etc (I would take full days but I'm out of leave and everything I take from here on out is LWOP).
My doctor attached an accomodations letter for when I'm here because there are certain things I have to be careful of while trying to get through this Lyme craze.
They said they WON'T accomodate the letter and I'm expected to work 100% while I am here and they won't grant me a telework day because its not in their policy.
Under ADA whether a company has a telework policy or not a person can be granted this as an accomodation.
The woman in the HR dept I have deal with make me so upset at times that I feel spasms coming out of no where and twitches in my hands.
I don't know what to do. I feel so stuck because I need the income for me and my son and the benefits but I feel like they aren't following the law.
I just had to vent...crying in my cube right now...
Peace and healing to everyone.