Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum. ; Have been struggling with lymes with 8 years.....I know it was longer but severe stress....losing my only daughter.....brought it out. I'm sure I have bartonella also. I cannot tolerate most antibiotic regimens because nothing helps the pain. Narcotics don't touch it. I burn all over and my head and teeth are so bad. I look like a skeleton because there are so many things I can't eat. I also battle severe depression on the treatment and it scares me. I don't recognize myself as I am a different person in my head and can't cope. If I could "sleep it away" that would help but I can't. I am ready to go off treatment again because I can't stand the treatment.
Sad story, huh................I feel like such a wimp but it is terrible. I just survived a ouble mastectomy also. I have a lot to live for, but I'm in a bad place. Maryl