I found this on one of the other forums I am active in:
LLMD's generally consider 18, 23, 30, 31, 34, 37, 39, 83 and 93 specific for Lyme. 31 takes 1-2 years to even show up and indicates chronic Lyme. 83 and 93 are the DNA of the spirochete. if the listed bands are IGG or IGM, and are + or IND, they can correlate a clinical diagnosis of Lyme. It doesn't matter how many of these, or if they are IGG or IGM, or + or IND, they just look for these bands. According to a well known LLMD, there are no false positives with any of these bands present. The presence of bands fluctuates, it is postulated due to the mutation of the spirochetes into the 3 forms, so you will see different results at different points in time. In my DD's case I am not bothering to re-run any of the tests which were both CDC and LLMD positive in our case, we are just going by symptoms.
Standard labs do not report 7 of the 9 IGM relevant bands and 3 of the relevant IGG bands. Standard labs do report bands 28, 41, 45, 58 and 66 which cross react with other bacteria and are not considered relevant to a Lyme diagnosis. So there is a problem with under reporting important bands and over reporting irrelevant bands. Standard labs also only look for some of the Bb species so will miss potential infection. Two labs that are generally relied on are Igenex and SUNY Stony brook, Igenex reports all relevant Lyme Bands and Stony Brook will report all bands but it MUST be requested on the order, it is easy to miss requesting this on the order. Stony Brook only tests for Bb and does not test for co-infections. Labs that are also used for co-infections but not Bb are Sonomoa county for Babesia and Galaxy Labs for Bartonella. Advanced Labs is offering a new type of test that seems very promising which actually looks for Spirochetes in the blood.
I haven't cross-checked any references for this information. My daughter was IND (indeterminate -present but not positively so) for IgM 39, which is specific for borrellia, but otherwise negative except for IgM 41 positive. Our LLMD considers this positive a indication of lyme infection.