LOL! At first the paused dream scared the beejeebers out of me!! It wasn't until it happened a few more times that I was able to not worry about
it much. Then I started 'pausing' during the day too. Not able to really respond to anything in any way, just staring and watching what was going on around me. Kind of semi-aware of things.
the seizures while asleep again, my dogs (two of them anyway), who are forever right at my feet as I sleep. Although there was that period of time where they wouldn't even sleep near me! My poor hubby was really crowded and would wake up because he was being pushed out of the bed!! LOL!
He would tell me about
how the dogs wouldn't even get near me and that I would sometimes "thrash around" in my sleep. Because my mind was so compromised, it took me a while to understand that I was having small seizures during those times.
It wasn't until I started just passing out that I began to realize there was more to all of this than I realized - because the only time I would pass out was in the middle of the night when I would get up to go potty!
I actually posted about
this on this forum. LOL!! I found one of my posts where I talk about
it!! WOW!
Talk about
a blast from the past!! Notice that I had to write only a couple of lines together so that I could still read what I was writing -thanks to the neuro Lyme. I still try to break up my posts so that those with neuro Lyme will have an easier time reading them.
Anyway, here's that post, just for giggles! Depending on what you take/do at night to get to sleep, you may sleep right through them. I used to be so amazed that my dreams would mimic what my body was doing at the time - it all flowed so well that it took a long time for me to understand this!
Yes, it's really, really bad shivers essentially. I got them all too often. I do believe that is more related to your adrenal health than the infections - although the infections are usually what causes our adrenals to have issues in the first place!! I saw it as a running down of my 'batteries'. My body and my mind were quite compromised by that time.
Of course all things Lyme usually worsen with stress, but I don't think many are caused by stress alone. It's usually a part of the disease process, some organ or function that isn't working well any more due to the diseases we have, or something similar.