Hi everyone!! I just wanted to post this though I'm sure many have seen it before. It kills me to think of so many people afraid of the outdoors. This is a relatively and I say 'relatively' affordable way to remain tick free. You can get an outfit treated for ~30$ USD approximately and it last for 70 washes. I am in no way affiliated with this company. I am however going to send out a full set of clothing to get treated and see how it works out. I can't stand the thought of not gardening or camping and honestly that isn't where I was exposed to the tick anyway. Plus I have dogs so there is no way to 100% protect yourself, there just isn't...unless you move to the sahara desert maybe??
http://www.tickencounter.org/prevention/insect_shield_your_own_clothes* Permethrin is over 2,250 times
more toxic to ticks than humans; so just a little bit provides great protection safely.
* The EPA states "...There is reasonable certainty that Permethrin-treated clothing poses
no harm to infants or children".
* Put directly on the skin, typically less than 1% of active ingredient is absorbed into the body;
DEET can be absorbed at over
20 times that rate.
* Exposure risk of Permethrin-treated clothing to toddlers is
27 times below the EPA's Level of Concern (LOC).
* A 140-pound person would have
no adverse health effects if exposed to 32 gms of permethrin/day.
There is less than 1 gram of permethrin in an entire bottle of clothing treatment. * A 5% cream (
10 times the dose) is recommended to treat children and infants with mites
called scabies.
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 4/13/2015 7:31:07 AM (GMT-6)