Today I finally got results that were positive for lymes disease! I have been tested for the last 10 years and they came up negative every time. When I first suspected lymes I had many of the symptoms aching joints to no energy. Everytime I went into the doctors office I always said that I'm seriously fatigued and it was just passed off as " well your getting older" But I KNEW my body and knew something was wrong. It was so frustrating knowing that something was wrong with by body. I had blurred - double vision all the time, I would get very dizzy at times, My joints and muscles ached, poor concentration, felt like I was in a foggy state of mind all the time. I would get flu symptoms a lot and they were really bad! I am so happy that I finally have some closure knowing that I do have Lymes not that its a good thing but it brings some closure to how Ive been feeling for so many years. Finally just this last week it got so bad having the worst flu ever and then a big red rash on my flank. I went to doctor and he said it looked like a burn and asked if I used a heating pad......well I did so he said it was a burn. Ya right!!! a few days later I had many rashed all over my body small ones and very big ones ...arms legs hands back shoulders everywhere. changed doctors and finally when I went in she was took something like this to make them take it seriously.
anyway that's part of my story.....just venting here because finally I know..... they put me on medication (doxycycline) for 21 days. Hope this does the job.