Hey guys,
haven´t been posting in a while, and thought I´d come back for some advice regarding further
treatment. I finally got diagnosed this April, and my testresults as follows:
Borrelia burgdorferi Elispot LTT
Borrelia burgd. Fully Antigen + 6 SI < 2
Borrelia OSP-Mix (OSPA/OSPC/DbpA) + 6 SI < 2
Borrelia LFA-1 1 SI < 2
Can someone please explain how these tests work? Since it doesn´t say positive or negative..
I am also positive for Chlamydia pneumoniae and Myco. Bart and babs are negative but I am being treated for it.
My current medication is:
Rifampicin 450 mg everyday (eremfat)
Artemesia Annua/Artemesin 200mg twice a day
Minocycline 100 mg twice a day
Azithromycine 600 3 times a week (e.g. Zithromax or Ultreon)
Start: 28th of April 2014 - End 24th of June 2014.
Anyone else has success with this kind of treatment?
They told me at the clinic I went to (Germany) that I have Neuro Lyme, and I read somewhere that the best treatment for it is Doxy IV, so I wonder why they haven´t put me on that...My family doctor gave me 4 weeks of Doxy (200mg a day) a while ago, and I got a lot of muscle spasms (nonstop) from it even though it was such small doses. And my CD57 went from 40 to 51 in 4 weeks..
My current medication gives me muscle spasms from time to time and also lots of itching/bugs crawling feeling all over and restlessness(but only in periods.) I guess I haven´t had the progress I was hoping for, so my question is:
Should I change my medication?? (As i have the chance to change LLMD next week). Also will save me a lot of money since I don´t have to travel to Germany again for the 3rd time.
For detox I do Epsom salt foot soak, sauna,lemonwaters and training.
Thank you