Hello all. Just an update on ACT. I have been doing it for 11 months now and I am on my way to being better once again. I was not sure when I first started if it was going to work or not and I almost quit 6 months in because I wasn't seeing any great results, but I decided to stick with it (I was doing it for free after all I had nothing to lose). But I have turned a corner and am feeling good most days. I still have work to do, but I am well on my way. I feel the same way I did the first time I got well so I know I am on the right path.
prior to starting ACT, I was lucky if I could walk 20 minutes and I would get sick for up to 3 days after. Now I am on the treadmill for 30 minutes vigorous exercise every other day and I feel great and do not get sick afterwards.
prior to ACT I had a lot of anxiety about being alone. Now, I still have some anxiety, but nothing like I had before. I wake up feeling good and not anxious as I used to.
prior to ACT I was housebound by my anxiety. I am now going out a lot more. Going to stores and on vacation. All things I could not do even a year ago due to my anxiety.
My daily migraines are down to about one a week and it only lasts the day, never longer. I used to have them last days at a time.
My energy levels are much better.
All in all, I am feeling good and I haven't been able to say that since I relapsed 7 years ago (never went back on antibiotics or any other treatments).
This is the first treatment I have tried since getting well the first time with antibiotics. And I can't believe I can say now that it is working. I don't really understand how, but I don't care how. I only know how I feel now and how I felt before.
And I am on scholarship so it is free so there is no scam here. It takes time. In my case it has been slow, but any progress in this illness is a great things so I am sticking with it and hope to be lyme free once again. This time for good.
I'll keep you updated in another few months.