Hi Humboldtgrl,
How are you doing today? I'm so sorry that you feel so poorly, hang in there!!!
What are you doing to detox? Drinking lots of water is only a small part of that. Our bodies can get overloaded with toxins when we have these infections and we have to help it to get those toxins moving and out!
Some things that you can do to help remove toxins:
Dry skin brushing
Oil pulling
FIR sauna
Detox baths as described in the "New to Lyme?" thread
Green smoothies & other detoxing foods
Using cilantro & parsley
Using Activated Charcoal and other binders ***(see below)
Now I know that this is far from the only things a person can do to help their body detox, but that's all that comes to this goofy mind right now!!
***When using things like activated charcoal and other binders you
must be able to have a 4 hour time block where you are not eating, drinking anything nutritional, or taking any meds, supplements or herbs, as the binders will bind to those and not the toxins and usher them out of the body - doing you no good!