Awww, Healing!! That was soo wonderful! Thank you!! I know that this forum is sooo much more than just me, but I hope I did play a part in this somehow!
And I agree! I have a great love for this forum and those who come here. My heart absolutely breaks with each and every one of you that go through trying times, and with each new member. Fortunately, my hubby has finally seen that this is not a short term commitment for me ( ya think after 6 1/2 yrs?) and that I will help any who come to me.
BUT ~ there was a time (many years to be exact) that I was the one needing that help, understanding, compassion, support and the cheerleading to keep going. I didn't find it anywhere else but here.
Then I went through a really rough time during the final 3 months of my FIL's life when he moved in with us - those on this forum that were here during that time - I couldn't have made it without you.
Then I was diagnosed with psoriasis - two types. And it was the members on this forum that helped me to get to a place where I am controlling it & am looking to beat it.....all naturally!!
Again, I couldn't thank the members - past and present - enough, for you all have taught me something, even those that didn't/don't like me have taught me something.
So during this day of Thanksgiving, other than my family, I am most thankful for those of you here.
With much love to all,