Hi Serfr!
Welcome to our community!!!
If you haven't already, it would be helpful for you to start with reading through the thread at the top of the forum titled,
"New to Lyme?...Start here!!", as it is packed full of important information, symptom lists (as Lyme rarely occurs by itself), helpful links and pdf's, how to detox when one has these infections, and a list of questions that you can ask any doctor that you are seeking treatment from!
Which herbal protocol you choose would be up to you, but there are several that our members are/have used. The two that are used the most are:
buhnerhealinglyme.comThere are two others that come to mind as well though:
The one that I used, which requires a bit more as you have to buy the individual herbs or find a herbal practitioner that will help (which really isn't a bad idea):
www.mistymeadows.org/wendy.htmClick on the tile that says: "Lyme Disease - a Practitioners Experience and Discovery". On page 77 (or is it 78??) is the 'Chronic Tonic' that I used to heal.
And Dr. J's from Hansa:
hansacenter.com/shop/page/2/ , although you will want to be sure to get his book so that you can understand how the products should be used from what I understand.
No matter what you choose though, we are here to help you find your way!
For the GERD/LPR issues, have you tried using ginger? I use capsules, but ginger tea would work well also. The ginger tea is more appropriate for severe nausea /Gerd issues, so you might want to try that first.
You don't have to have ginger tea bags to try it out,and I actually prefer to make my tea this way - heat one cup of water, add 2 tsps of ground ginger, sweeten slightly to help get it down and drink. It has taken care of some pretty severe nausea for me! And it always settles down the LPR symptoms that I have.