I got bit by a tick Memorial Day 2013, no bulls eye rash at all. No symptoms for a month until I was sitting at work and got extreme head pressure and dizziness. I ended up in the ER twice because of this.
Finally got diagnosed with Lyme after finding the dead tick still attached and started doxy October 1. I was on that for a while and now on Zith and Ceftin.
I've never had much pain at all with this... just TMJ, a constant feeling of pressure in the roof of my mouth and the pressure in my head and base of skull with dizziness. Also my heart races when doing anything more extreme than just walking.
I was doing great on Doxy until my LLMD increased the dosage. That brought out extreme air hunger. Then when he switched me to zith and Ceftin, I've been getting pretty bad night sweats.
My LLMD has said all along that when I first went to him, I had classic Babesia symptoms. But he refuses to treat me for it for some reason.
Now we found out my husband also has Lyme and most likely Babesia since we have all the same symptoms. We are both dying of air hunger right when we are trying to go to bed. Mine is also bad in the morning.
We are stuck because our LLMD won't treat for Babs for some reason, my husband is losing his job so there goes our insurance. We cannot afford any of the other LLMD's in our area ($900 an appointment and remember, there's TWO of us needing to be treated). I ordered Arteminisin (sp?) but I'm too scared to try it because of the liver warning on it.
We have started Samento, banderol, PC Noni and Lauricidin. Also taking Olive Leaf Extract, Vitamin D3, B complex, and we have been doing Monastery of herbs which have REALLY helped but definitely did not get rid of this.
Is there anything else I can do to treat Babs? It really seems like our only symptoms are coming from the Babs. We are 27 years old and have always ate healthy and exercised. I have searched countless forums and there is so much information, I don't know what to do. And since we have a pretty dead beat LLMD, we are stuck treating ourselves.
P.S. We are IgeneX positive for Lyme. Our LLMD doesn't test for co-infections because it's not reliable I guess. Our naturopath picked up Babs, Ehrlichia, and mycoplasma in us.