Hi, all,
I was dx'ed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and did have many of the typical re-activated viral infections. Also they found mycoplasma pneumoniae (cell-wall deficient bacteria, steals energy, hides from the immune system) and various autoimmune conditions. Found out later these are common co-infex with Lyme.
So I was able to get antibiotics from the neurologist for mycoplasma, not for very long, but for long enough to tell I got way better.
The rheumatologist gave me doxycycline for "probable lupus." So this kept me going several years.
I went to out-of-state CFS doctors for antivirals and antifungals. Sometimes flagyl.
Eventually, a doctor who was a former Fatigue and Fibromyalgia doc was recommended to me. He realized I had Lyme. Two high-powered infectious disease docs had dismissed my band or two (at the time) Western Blot tests. I took the Igenex western blot and missed being CDC positive by one band IgG and one band IgM (I am IgM positive with the bands they use now).
This took 10 years. Several times, I had darkfield microscopy done and saw what I now know was cyst form, round bodies and spirochetes. Also, a parasite in my red blood cells sometimes infected every cell. I don't know what that is.
Ran out of money, but still go to the Fibro/Fatigue doc. Because I'm in Texas, most docs will not treat for Lyme unless you just got it and it's in your spinal fluid. After 16 years, I don't care about
them. I don't have money to go out-of-state to an LLMD.
I take 500 mg azithromycin in the morning and 500 mg tinidazole (tindamax) in the evening. This keeps me from getting worse, though I sometimes have Lyme flares. My official reason is chronic sinusitis, mycoplasma and parasites. But this combo works well for some people with Lyme. I'm allergic to rocephin, penicillin and bactrim.
I also take the herbal tinctures by Nutramedix: Banderol, Samento, Cumanda, Parsley, Burbur and Noni. These are expensive, so I just take half a dropper once a day. I get worse if I go off.
The only advice I could give is what others have said: educate yourself. If you find something you have symptoms for that a specialist would treat, you might get some help for some of the conditions. Some meds help many different things. If possible, address hormones, like cortisol, DHEA, progesterone, thyroid and others. These can make life a lot more bearable and some of us have pituitary dysfunction and very low hormones.
It's very overwhelming to try to treat this on your own. I couldn't do it. But I think I know the desperation you are feeling. The whole situation is extremely stressful, which is bad for us. If you can find a local doctor who treats CFS/ME, they might be able to help a lot. Many people diagnosed with these also have Lyme, though they often don't know it.
Good luck, I'll be sending you good wishes.
Post Edited (Kolowesi) : 3/22/2014 11:35:09 AM (GMT-6)