Alrighty, time for an icky post!
Lately we have had a lot of posters with digestive issues so I would like members to answer what they have issues with and what has helped them.
In general things that help
-a good probiotic
-aloe vera juice
-healthy fats (Bone/fat broth for me really helped heal my gut)
Since I was younger I tend to be constipated. I think most people tend to be one or the other. I thought it was normal to only poop like twice a week lol. Now I hear for some people that is normal...I would just rather not be one of them. Even though I'm mostly recovered from lyme, it seems that no matter how healthy I eat, I am still constipated. Here is what has worked for me to keep the toxins moving!
-eat regularly breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks
-FLAX SEED 1 tablespoon/day, <- this was at the recommendation of my nutritionist and it works. If I put this in my smoothie, oatmeal, yougurt I always move. Its great!