Thank you all for your responses.
I had to sit it out.
I was at a round table at the Belgian Senate yesterday afternoon, and my dr was one of the speakers. So I went up to him and asked what I could do, cause I can't go on with that pain all the time.
He told me to start taking LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone), I'll be ordering that as soon as I get the prescription. He said it should get better once I start taking it, slowly building up. Luckely I'm not taking antidepressants, cause he doesn't want to combine those 2.
Barngurl, thank you for all the advice you are giving me . I was on abx for 15 months, but it did nothing for the pain, on the contrary, the herxes made it worse, and I have trouble tolerating them now.
I had a membership at a sauna complex, but I get really nauseous in a sauna, I think the heat is causing too much die-off. I had to freeze my membership. An accupuncturist is def an option, but I can't seem to find one who knows about Lyme... I've been mailing my friends, even asked it on fb, but nothing...
I took a long shower (we have no bath), and heat helped, but as soon as I switched of the water, I could feel it again... at the end, I took clonazepam and went to bed.
I tried Tramadol, but the only thing that happens is that I get a stoned feeling (it's something, but not what I'm looking for ), pain doesn't go away.
I looked up hydrocodone, but I will need to go and see a dr first, probably a neurologist, cause it has to be prepared by a pharmacist. I went to see a neurologist a few times, she wants me to try an antidepressant that also helps with fibromyalgic pain, but then my llmd doesn't want me to take it, cause it'll complicate things even more. It was Cymbalta (duloxetine).
I'm rambling - LOL
Lymebabe, I did a coffee enema before leaving yesterday noon
Thank you dearest Tickled and Trav, hubby will need to be more available to rub me with that magnesium oil.
I'm not feeling really well lately, more and more neurosymptoms, and my joint/muscle pains have gotten worse.
My dr told me yesterday that he is working on getting a drug approved to bring down inflammation, cause that is my biggest issue.
this was my rambling update...