Greetings, Everyone.
I'm so glad I found this site. I'm not sure "if" I have Lymes, as the doctor seemed as confused as I am (if not MORE SO) when she called me. I asked her to fax the test results over to me so I have could have a better look and they have only confused me more.
I am a 48 year old female. Sadly, I admit, I have been gardening and removing engorged ticks from my person for quite some time. I always went by the belief "if I can see the tick, it's too big to be the kind to worry about." I know, I know...shame on me.
After getting a hard, red (no bulls eye) rash after a tick removal two weeks ago I decided to mention it to the doctor on a routine visit and blood was drawn.
The call I received today was, "Well, your not positive and your not negative." (insert...dropped jaw confusion here)
She said they want to retest me in one month. No treatment. Call if you have a problem.
This is what I have and I'm sorry if this is more info than you need.
Lyme IgG/IgM Ab 1.32 index (high) 0.00-0.90 index
Lyme Ab Interp, EIA Positive
Lyme, Western Blot, Serum
All IgG:
P93 absent
P66 absent
P58 absent
P45 absent
P41 absent
P39 absent
P30 absent
P28 absent
P26 absent
P23 absent
P18 absent
Lyme IgG WB Interp : Negative (three out of five bands...must be positive for five)
IgM P41 absent
IgM P39 absent
IgM P23 Negative
Lyme Disease Ab, Quant, IgM 0.95 index *High 0.00-0.90 index
With all these absents I read this as negative, but do not understand what the two highs and a positive would mean.
Early, early stage?? Old infection? Any insight is welcome. I promise... I will be here reading these threads all evening.
THANK YOU for your time.