I'd say stay on them a bit longer! Hang in there! You might want to consider just pulsing for example 1 pill of minocycline every other day? Best to talk to your LLMD about
it. But one thing for sure it is ultimately your own decision.
I ended my bartonella treatment prematurely because I was feeling good and I felt like the abx were just making me feel sick. Plus I was getting yeast, esspecially on my tongue. Anyways I kind of regret that now. Even though I'm not nearly in as bad shape as I was way back when the disease was really bad, the bartonella definitely came back a bit. My immune system has a pretty good control on the infection and it doesn't cause the same anxiety, insomnia, and psych issues that it once did. But one thing for sure is the infection is still there and I feel it.
If I remember right, you are on minocycline, septra DS, and tinidazole?
Maybe try just taking out the tinidazole for now, and substituing in GSE? Well we had the topic the other week about GSE being toxic too. I don't think GSE is nearly as toxic as tinidazole. Maybe even just try mino and septra DS?
I think in the end it's ultimately upto you. I have to agree one thing is for sure it's very tough to know when you can safely pull the antibiotics! Really it is a leap of faith and sometimes you just have to do it. But sometimes the harsh reality is abx are pulled prematurely. Some remaining symptoms you have could simply be nerve damage, toxicity of abx, or even something like yeast.
But if you have until September. I would say at the very least pulse them. Also I would suggest having the banderol and samento ready for when you join the Police Force. Congratulations and good luck with that!