I am doing very bad. I’ve developed shakes on top of my other 30 symptoms. Now I’m worried about Parkinson’s. My vision keeps getting worse. I am almost nonfunctional. Tying is hard. My fingers don’t go where I want them too. The chest pain is back again. It is connected to the end of the middle finger on my left hand. What I mean is it happened at the exact same time and feels exactly the same.. every time. MY fingers want to curl up all the time especially on my left hand. Last night I had all my worse symptoms all at the same time. Pain, hallucinations, heart issues, skin inflammation, pain pain pain.. brain not working the right way… weak an tired.. shaking. I was really hoping the shaking and hand curling was from the antibiotics so I stopped taking it on 8/5/14. Had a few good days now I am worse than ever. I started the Buhner herds on 8/10/14. Maybe too soon to know if they are doing anything? Maybe I should start my abx again? Shaking is getting very bad. Doctor has no answers for me. We did a bunch of blood work to see mineral levels and check for Lupus ANA and all that. Everything came back normal. How is that possible? How Can I be falling apart so quickly and the only thing that shows up on a test is Lyme on an IgeneX? Mycoplasma too. It’s crazy that this is real life. I thought I was dying last night and I didn’t care. Seemed like a better option you know? I ate a tortilla with gluten for my taco for dinner. Can all this spark from just that? That’s so crazy if so. My nervous system is shot and getting worse. When does it get better? Ever? Can’t hold my head up. Trying to keep my job. I can’t believe I still have it. Sorry for rambling. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.