Hi Girlie,
So far I am going to get the following 3 tests:
Igenex Lyme Western Blot IGG & IGM (to see if my antibodies ever did finally seroconvert after treatment). --It's funny a Lyme test usually only goes positive AFTER treatment. So it should be positive by now.
Ispot Lyme test. I think so far this is the only way to determine if you are 'finished' treatment or have an active Lyme infection.
CD57. A Dr. C said I need to take to determine if it is time to come off antibiotics. I'm still not coming off the antibiotics for awhile though because bartonella is proving to be pretty difficult to treat. (Maybe as difficult as Lyme).
I am trying to figure out if I need anymore testing other than this. I would get a parasite test... But that is kinda awkward and uncomfortable test to provide a sample for. (stool, ewww.)
I would get tested as well for bartonella. But out of all these diseases bartonella testing is the least reliable. And my symptoms are a definitive indication of a bartonella infection.