Why thank you Mike!
Its so weird a how there is a large number of us who got sick following a major life stressor or tragedy is what I find so interesting. My friend once did a poll on this amongst those with lyme disease. I am one of those people. Lost 2 of my dearest love's within 2 months of one another. I went into a dark depression and basically my body/immune system was super vulnerable and made susceptible to illness and disease is what I believe.
So my theory with that is: if thats how they got in the door of my stressed body and mind....how do I get them out? =Ultimately besides killing the bugs, rebuilding my temple(body & immune system) to be strong and kick them out essentially is what I would think would be key.
......so much easier said than done though, I know..
{For example, they guy who cuts our grass has a small business doing so and he literally pulls ticks off him 24-7....but he is not sick. I mean what are the chances he has never been exposed to a sick tick. He has to have been exposed, but its like his immune system is strong enough to ward it off or keep it at bay to where not symptomatic}
Also Lymepickle....exactly, good point...if only it was isolated to a certain area of our body
....the saying "you can run but you cant hide" ...well darn it, it can do BOTH...run and hide all over our bodies! *Sigh*